DSGW-210 F18 Homeix

I purchased two of above machines fro uk company Vesternet. When I asked for assistance in upgrading to Deb 12 they declined to assist in any way. I am non tech. The machines work very well but I would ask where I can find details on how to flash the new update and then restore my HA backup. The machine is a HA machine with Zigbee and zwave.

Hey, shoot me an email at vetle@smarti.dev and I can help you out.

I doubt you’re gonna get an answer here regarding how to do this properly.

HI @SMARTi how are you?
I have the same problem. I bought a DSGW-210 -f18 (ZigBee and Z-wave) but Home Assistant was not working properly (it was constantly crashing). I used AndroidTool to try to install Debian 12 and reinstall HA Supervisor. I even managed to install Debian 11 and update the distribution to Debian 12, but I can’t install HA Supervisor, it shows an error in APPARMOR. I’m not an expert in Linux and unfortunately I couldn’t find anyone to help me and I couldn’t find any documentation with a step-by-step guide so I can format the DSGW-210 and install everything from scratch correctly.

I would be very grateful if you could help me with this as well.

Thank you very much.