How update zigbee firmware for DSGW-210-HA
Our Zigbee module support OTA function, but we need to know your application version first, we better to do this by remote control
How to update the ZigBee module firmware in DSGW-210-HA (model DSGW-210-F1)?
Installed version EZSP v7 build 204
Can this be done via HASS: Silicon Labs firmware flasher add-on?
Sorry, I never received a response from you
How to update the ZigBee module firmware in DSGW-210-HA (model DSGW-210-F1)?
Installed version EZSP v7 build 204
Can this be done via HASS: Silicon Labs firmware flasher add-on?
Hi Asan, please use Amber application to update:
/usr/bin/AmberGwZ3 -n1 -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -b115200 -F /tmp/(OTA file)
You need to transfer the file to /tmp/ path and make sure your Homeassistant docker is off or at least USB1 is not been used. - Google Drive
Please use the OTA file to upgrade it
Failed to update.
What am I doing wrong?
I stopped the Docker HA service.
/usr/bin/AmberGwZ3_V8 -n1 -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -b115200 -F /tmp/zigbee.ota
ezsp ver 0x07 stack type 0x02
do ota…
Executing bootload callback.
Launching standalone bootloader…
Starting bootloader communications.
Delaying 4 seconds
Setting up serial port
Setting up serial port 1
Error: Timeout occurred waiting for read data.
}:C▒WT▒M~Failed to start bootloading communications.
Bootload failed. Exiting.
Reboot not supported. Exiting instead.
Just a thought here, did you try to actually stop Zigbee2MQTT or the ZHA addon in HA first and then shut it down? I’m just curious if you actually freed the binding on the port before flashing
I stopped the Docker HA service. I think that the ZHA service stopped and freed the port. I don’t use Zigbee2MQTT, it has a problem with support for our device, constant crashes.
Can I check some pair to see if the port is free?
I woudl check that the port is free first:
ls /dev/ttyUSB*
and then:
sudo lsof /dev/ttyUSB*
If its free, then I am not sure what the issue might be…
You can also check recent system messages for USB device status:
dmesg | grep ttyUSB
- This will give you recent logs about your USB devices, confirming if it’s recognized or released.
I did:
sudo systemctl stop hassio-supervisor.service
sudo systemctl stop hassio-apparmor.service
docker stop $(docker ps -qa)
But I still can’t update zigbee ota firmware:
/usr/bin/AmberGwZ3_V8 -n1 -p /dev/ttyUSB1 -b115200 -F /tmp/zigbee.ota
ezsp ver 0x07 stack type 0x02
do ota…
Executing bootload callback.
Launching standalone bootloader…
Starting bootloader communications.
Delaying 4 seconds
Setting up serial port
Setting up serial port 1
Error: Timeout occurred waiting for read data.
}:C▒WT▒M~Failed to start bootloading communications.
Bootload failed. Exiting.
Reboot not supported. Exiting instead.
Any news about this Dusun?
Hi, I’ve tryed to update zigbee module using AmberGwZ3_V8.
/usr/bin/AmberGwZ3_V8 -n1 -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b115200 -F /tmp/xncp-led_1P232.ota
After the transfer I’ve this output:
Transfer completed successfully.
Delaying 4 seconds
Rebooting NCP
Serial upload complete
Gecko Bootloader v1.A.3
upload gbl
ebl info
BL >Delaying 4 seconds
ERROR: ezspForceReset 0x21
AmberGwZ3_V8: v2.7/protocol/zigbee/app/framework/util/af-main-host.c:344: emAfResetAndInitNCP: Assertion `false’ failed.
And now, the device seems that it’s not working anymore.
Is there something to do?