DSGW-210-F1 BLE advertisment

Hi Suport team,

I need to write ble application on gateway-DSGW-210. I tried to make from application provided from here BLE Sample Code.

In the above example it is provided for OpenWrt SDK and i am unable to find OpenWRT SDK from Dusun Site.

So my question is

  1. OpenWrt SDK available for this gateway? If Yes, Please provide the link
  2. Do you have sample code(Make file) for BLE sample applicaton in Debian SDK? If Yes, please provide the link.


I ordered DSGW-210 recently as well, assumed they only support to use the SDK for development now. This is the package I got,

  1. SDK
    DSGW-210-SDK-V1.0 - Google Drive
  2. Related document
    DSGW-210 SDK Quick Start Guide - Google Drive
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In Quick Start Guide | Dusun wiki it is mentioned that

"BLE interface is /dev/ttyUSB1.
Download “rk3328_ble_test.tar.gz” from Dusun FTP, and copy it to board, under /root." From where i can find rk3328_ble_test.tar.gz file? Could you provide me the link for the same

Please check this link - DSGW-210-SDK-V1.0 - Google Drive

Thanks for your feedback. We will update the Quick Start Guide and link the resources directly.