DSGW-210-F-1 guides are a total mess

Hi all
I have bought a DSGW-210-F-1 And I need to use it with debian and dockerized HA (not suvervised) And I need to backup the image to replicate de system in other DSGW-210-F-1 I’ll purchse in the future. But all the info is a mess. There is a list of the problems I have encountered following the device link (DSGW-210-F-1 Smart Multiprotocol Gateway Hub | Edge Computing Gateway for Smart Home) and the linked quick start guide:

  • No links to files as described in the the quick start guide. But I think they are at the previuos link

  • No info about default ssh user and passowrd. I have discovered by trial-error that root/root works…

  • It’s impossible to Poweroff device with the power button. There is no explanation about power button. I have tried every single time press and the only thing I can do is to restart the device. The only way to power off is to leave the batery empty…

  • If I power off the device by a poweroff comand, the system shuts down but the device remains powered with blue led on…

  • There is no serial pins as described in the quick start guide, so no possilirios to debug or simply do any of the serial port related task described in quick start guide.

  • Unclear info about the Image Upgrade mode. I supossed I need to install DriverAssitant first and run AndroidTool after…And then start de device (restart, because is impossible to power it off). But nothing happens…No device detected in windows qhen starting and no device detected in AndroidTool… No info about how the hell do the upgrade tool to detect the device… Just plug and pray

  • As I don’t have the expected serial port I cannot debug or obtain more info…

  • AndroidTool in English in screenshoots in quick start guide but in Chinesse when you run it… And no explanation about how to change Language… I have discovered by my own…

  • There’s no possibility to backup image from device, because the described procedure needs a serial conection…

  • Debian SDK link at the product site is broken…

A total mess

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DSGW-210 RK3328 Gateway Hub Platform | Dusun wiki We’ve update all the resources deak links, please check

yes sadly I couldn’t agree more, their documentation is shocking and their software badly compiled (dirty kernels etc.)
I have just followed their infstruction to create a roots image and tried to image to the box usiong the android tool as I did wittier ha image but the box won’t boot. so I may have to solder some pins on inside and flash over serial manually.

there configs of the button etc is rubbish as there does not seem to actually be a way of shutting the down the device correctlyand cleanly and as y0u say the blue rings stays on until the battery goes dead. however have been unable to get any info about their battery shutdown system as I don’t believe its doing a proper shutdown at all just freezing the systeen on disk or something, as when you connect the powers it powers up, something that pressing the power buotton certainly doesnt do., but strangely requires you to insert a paper clip into the reset button. something I can get my customers to do for me


whilst something I had to get from tech support as couldn’t any where on their site…here is their official way to shut down the box and turn of the blue ring!!

  1. After you boot the gateway, you can double press the power button and unplug the type-c cable, it will turn-off. - this does not appear to run a clean shutdown, it just cuts the power by the looks of it which is something that can crash the OS…useless.

to then power bak on you plug the power back in.

this is not an acceptable system!!!

they have now also dropped the HA version of the dsgw210 their aurgument being that Dusun is a hardware manufacturer and not a software company. In my mind though they are still fully respoible for suppling a working base image (roots, Debian etc) with al the drivers which as I say I have tried to comilipe but then won’t boot.

tech support is slow to respond and doesnt always seem to know how their own devices actually work!