A Coffee Shops IoT Asset Management Project with Dusun IoT Solution

The coffe shop operators require a system to collect a big amount of asset data, store it for an acceptable amount of time, and then retrieve the data to monitor their business operations and performance.

This type of Machine-to-Machine system is an essential component of the Internet of Things. Data from the assets can be used to inform decisions about how to run the business and where to take its operations. If the freezer breaks down in the middle of the night, maintenance must be contacted by text message or phone.

Before any damage occurs and operations are stopped, maintenance must be notified if the grinder is starting to degrade and parts are starting to show failure symptoms. The amount of each variety of coffee produced and consumed can be shown in data, which may change the retailer’s marketing tactics.

Currently, the coffee shop of this well-known coffee chain store has a lot of production and inventory equipment, and the cost of staff and equipment is still high. Also, because there are so many devices, manual inventory is unable to determine which ones are using the most energy.

Therefore, an IoT solution is needed to manage and monitor in-store assets to better achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase.

  • Customer: Top coffee brand in China
  • Market Segment: The catering industry
  • Project Time: 2022
  • Product: DSGW-210 IoT Gateway

Case Details: IoT Asset Management Solutions for Coffee Shops