sub-GHz Gateway - EFR32FG23 / FG28

I am looking at the Sub-GHz gateway landing page which mentions EFR32FG23 module for gateway. Can you please provide more information regarding this gateway?

We use EFR32ZG28 (recent release from Silabs for Proprietary / Z-Wave), but we can work with FG23 as well. What we are looking for is a downlink with FG23 / FG28 and uplink options with WiFi / LTE / LAN. Is there a gateway that can provide us such functionality?

Hi Vivek, our DSGW-210 IoT gateway can meet your requirements. We also support ODM services. Check the resoures of DSGW-210:

Thanks. I have looked at the DSGW-210. That seems to be using BG21 for Zigbee/BLE, ZGM130S for Z-Wave. Those don’t support proprietary sub-GHz. Can you clarify which chip is used for sub-GHz operation?

Can we setup a call to discuss about ODM services?

DSGW-210 also support Z-Wave 800 Modem SoC (EFR32ZG23), which is designed for sub-GHz. Noticed that you have leave us inquiry on our website, our sales team will contact you soon.