DSGW 030-1 Custom Image build

Hello everyone,

We are in the process of developing an iot system and plan to use the DSGW 030-1 as a Gateway. The provided Materials especially the firmware (which we want to build ourselves based still on openwrt) are really old and incomplete.
I found the sdk you provided and the firmware that is downloadable on your site but those are heavily outdated and its not quite clear where we get the files necessary to build it ourselves or how to apply the patches I found in the compressed archive.
Is there anyone who is able to support us there? We have a big customer on board that wants to use your devices but right now we only got to build an up to date openwrt that runs after flashing but has no proper wifi functionality and some other small issues. I already wrote a Support Email but did not get an answer and hope to get in touch this way.

Thanks in advance