Integration of Hardware Encryption Module (ECC608B)

I am working with the DSGW-210-F1 gateway, which comes equipped with the hardware encryption module ECC608B.

I would like to know the following:

  1. How to integrate and configure the ECC608B module with the gateway.
  2. Steps to enable hard drive level encryption using this module.
  3. How to implement and configure secure boot to enhance the security of the device.

It would be helpful if you could provide any documentation, examples, or best practices for utilizing the ECC608B module in these scenarios.

I have written below code to initialize and generate the public key but initialization gets failed

root@DUSUN:~/atecc608b_project# cat main.c
#include “cryptoauthlib.h”

int main() {

ATCAIfaceCfg cfg = {
    .iface_type      = ATCA_I2C_IFACE,  
    .devtype         = ATECC608B,       
    .atcai2c.address = 0x60,      
    .atcai2c.bus      = 1,
    .atcai2c.baud     = 400000

status = atcab_init(&cfg);
printf("status value %d ATCA_SUCCESS %d\n\n",status,ATCA_SUCCESS);
if (status != ATCA_SUCCESS) {
    printf("Failed to initialize ATECC608B: %d\n", status);
    return 1;
printf("ATECC608B initialized successfully.\n");

uint8_t public_key[64];
status = atcab_genkey(0, public_key);
if (status == ATCA_SUCCESS) {
    printf("Generated public key successfully.\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
        printf("%02X", public_key[i]);
        if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0) printf("\n");
} else {
    printf("Failed to generate key: %d\n", status);

return 0;

root@DUSUN:~/atecc608b_project# gcc -o atecc_test main.c -I/usr/include/cryptoauthlib -lcryptoauth
root@DUSUN:~/atecc608b_project# ./atecc_test
status value -31 ATCA_SUCCESS 0

Failed to initialize ATECC608B: -31